About Me
I'm a portrait photographer based in Atlanta, GA. I wasn't born with a camera in my hand. In fact, I loved taking pictures as a kid, but I recently discovered that my pictures were awful. No really. Awful. I took up photography to take better pictures of my kids and capture every bit of yummy goodness that children have, but I found myself taking care of my kids rather than taking pictures of them. After years of piecing together some photography and editing education, I finally feel like my photos are capturing the beauty I see around me.
I'm a singer. But I can't remember the names of song titles or artists and I rarely commit to learning lyrics to any song I'm not going to perform. Performances include the Brahms Requiem with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus in Berlin, and the Trainor "All About That Bass" at karaoke.
I'm a recovering multi-tasker.
My love language is touch. I love to hug my husband and my children. Tightly. And for a long time.
I refuse to watch the news because I believe firmly in safeguarding one's spirit from the sensationalistic negativity.
I'm a hopeless optimistic. I'm drawn to old souls. And babies.
Enough about me.

Call me: 404.387.6363
Email me: zelda@photographybyzelda.com